![]() 07/03/2016 at 21:35 • Filed to: Bad Drivers | ![]() | ![]() |
Now that I have had time to calm down from this, let me tell you how I was so very close to t-boning a fucktrumpet and subsequently beating someone’s ass.
To set the stage, I am the blue arrow, in the right left turn land and douche-canoe is the red arrow in the picture below.
I was heading to the gym which is in this town center. I was traveling west on Broad which had green lights in both directions. I moved into the left hand turn lane to turn into West Broad Village, there was a line of cars in the left most turn lane and the right was empty so I stayed in that lane. As I moved into said turn lane, the lights in the main lanes turned red and our turn lanes received a green arrow. Since I was traveling about 25 mph and a green light, I never had to stop.
With that said the two right turn lanes from West Broad Village received a green arrow as well.
Fucktard in his Volvo XC90 decided that the green arrow meant he could go straight through the intersection. Luckily as traffic in the left most left turn lane moved, I caught a glimpse of this asshole driving through the intersection and had enough time to lock-up the brakes (full ABS engagement) and lay on the horn while subsequently gesturing and cursing this dumb-ass. I WAS LIVID.
Then as I pulled into the parking garage, not even 1 min after this occurred, some oblivious idiot decided to try and back out of their parking space at an unreasonably high rate of speed considering there was a large truck that was blocking their view to the right (the direction I was coming). Locked up the tires again (Concrete floor so not hard to do and I was going ~10 mph so any hard stab of the brakes would do that). The screech was enough of a hint, so there was no horn.
AND THEN, as I was leaving, I pulled up to the 4-way stop just off the bottom of the picture above to turn left toward the exit, the lady across from me, who pulled up after me and was in the right turn lane and not the lane to go straight across, decided that as I went, to hell with right-of-way that she was going. She got a lot of horn and some lovely gestures I was cursing her as well.
I mean seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people today.... I really need to get a dash cam to capture the stupidity of drivers by me. I could totally fill 15+min of stupid shit each month at this intersection alone.....
Side note: That was the first time I have felt ABS truly engage outside of driving in the snow. I is a weird feeling. (My Sentra never had ABS)
Side note 2: In all those quick stops I never stalled the car either. Always remembered to clutch-in.
Side note 3: Fucktrumpet was a suggested word by google keyboard on my phone
Now excuse me, I need a drink......
![]() 07/03/2016 at 21:46 |
i had some oblivious chick try to merge into my lane with me next to her. I gass it to get ahead and she gets behind me and puts her hands in the air like WTF ( ilke wtf, if you had been paying attention you would have seen me) So i just start waving my hands all crazy. I get a finger, so I returned the salute. As we merge onto the highway, she gets in the next lane to pass me, that lane comes to a stop and the right lane keeps flowing. last I saw of her
![]() 07/03/2016 at 21:47 |
I was leaving a parking lot last night and had someone back out right in front of me.
It’s like people are incapable of waiting an extra 2 seconds
![]() 07/03/2016 at 21:51 |
That’s near where I used to work. That whole part of town has been a clusterfuck since it was developed. I think everyone who drives out there just closes their eyes and floors it.
![]() 07/03/2016 at 21:54 |
Its horrible. Shortly after I moved to Richmond I was talking to a Henrico cop at a car wash and he said the 3 intersections for WBV are the most dangerous in the West End. The day after he told me this, there were three accidents in that stretch of road, one at each intersection, all at the same time.....
![]() 07/03/2016 at 22:01 |
I almost ran head on into somebody a couple days ago because they made a left turn from the right turn lane. WTF people.
![]() 07/03/2016 at 22:15 |
I recently had to be near there to eat dinners with my cousin after a summer re-certification class. I feel really bad for you. I encountered some deep deep idiocy on the drives.
![]() 07/03/2016 at 22:29 |
I hate driving in the West End. My brother works near there...surprised he's never had any bad driving stories.
![]() 07/03/2016 at 23:34 |
I had someone merge right into me this morning when I was on my way to work. Stop and go and they clipped the back end of my car. We take down insurance info, no big deal. I get to work and I’m called to give a consult. A mom comes in screaming concerned about her daughter’s “broken fibular”. Guess who the concerned parent is? The soccer mom that sailed into me just an hour earlier.
![]() 07/04/2016 at 11:22 |
Just a question. What could you have done in these three situations to put yourself in a less likely position to be damaged by their incompetence?
![]() 07/04/2016 at 12:38 |
The fucktrumpets have been on the road since school got out. If at least 10 teenagers don’t die in traffic incidents this summer I will be shocked.
![]() 07/04/2016 at 12:50 |
Make them wait the full hour, get a tuff car with big push bars and just ram them.
![]() 07/04/2016 at 14:11 |
Same thing has happened to me several times recently. I’m assuming people have always been doing this, but it seems worse in the last year or two. Same thing with people in the left lane on I-35 cutting off two lanes of traffic to exit at the last second. How hard is it to just make the right turn and then make the first U-turn or go to the next exit and take the turnaround?! Whenever I’m in the wrong lane, I deal with the consequence of adding a minute or two to my drive... but some people would rather put other people at risk to save those few minutes instead of take responsibility I guess.
![]() 07/04/2016 at 18:39 |
Well considering I was paying attention and actively scanning my surroundings, I was able to avoid all of these with no damage
![]() 07/05/2016 at 12:38 |
A nice thing you can do, that isn’t mandatory, but is nice, is if you see someone backing out of a space in front of you, come to a stop and let them out. It’s common courtesy where I live. Makes it easier for everyone, and hey, you can take their space if you want.
![]() 07/05/2016 at 13:07 |
Well this wasn’t a case of me being an impatient asshole (which does happen). I was just about to pass as they did this. I couldn’t see their reverse lights due to truck next to them and they certainly couldn’t see me and shouldn’t have been backing out as fast as they did.
![]() 07/05/2016 at 14:40 |
Yeah man, sounds like you had a string of incredibly bad luck. I only shared the tip because I used to get super mad all the time driving, but slowing down and yielding more often has really helped. Now driving is pretty relaxing. I couldn’t change other drivers so I changed myself instead. Hope your luck turns around.